Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Partial table of contents: DIAGNOSIS AND CLASSIFICATION Rett's Syndrome: A Pervasive Developmental Disorder (R. Van Acker) DEVELOPMENT AND BEHAVIOR Social Development in Autism (F. Volkmar et al.) Autism in Infancy and Early Childhood (W. Stone) NEUROBIOLOGY Neurological Aspects of Autism (N. Minshew, et al.) ASSESSMENT Behavioral Assessment of Individuals with Autism (M. Powers) INTERVENTIONS Behavioral Interventions (J. Bregman & J. Gerdtz) Working with Families (L. Marcus, et al.) Routine Health Care (R. Lacamera & A. Lacamera) PUBLIC POLICY PERSPECTIVES Coping with the Diagnosis of Autism (B. Siegel) Ethical Issues in Research and Treatment (A. Klin & D. Cohen) THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Classification and Causal Issues in Autism (I. Rapin) Perspectives on Social Impairment (L. Waterhouse & D. Fein) INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Canada (P. Szatmari) Spain (J. Fuentes) PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES A Sibling's Perspective on Autism (J. Konidaris) Indexes.