A Logical Framework for Service Migration Based Survivability

Abstract : This research aims at developing a logical framework for service migration based survivability in which service migration is an effective mechanismto dynamically transfer critical services from compromised platforms to other clean platforms to ensure that the critical functions willbe continuously provided. The research methodology involves defining logic models, system properties, and service migration decision models. Westudied the fundamental ingredients and characteristics of a service migration and the key system properties that support an assured servicemigration. A formal logic was developed for service migration modeling, survivability policy specification, and system property verification. Aholistic approach was developed for service migration decisions, which manage and guide the activities and procedures of a service migrationprocess. The approach includes three major decision components (1) determining whether a service migration is the most appropriate course ofaction to take in case of a malicious attack; (2) deciding the best strategy for a service migration; and (3) specifying an effective and efficientschedule for the service migration activities.