Clustering Koridor Transjakarta Berdasarkan Jumlah Penumpang Dengan Algoritma K-Means
Transportation is one of the facilities that make it easy for humans to carry out activities to move places using vehicles that are driven by humans or machines. Based on data obtained from, the number of Transjakarta bus passengers in corridors 1 to 13 of 2017 amounted to 114,239,960, and in 2018 there were 121,918,964 passengers. The algorithm used in this research is K-Means Cluster, which is implemented using Microsoft Excel and Rapidminer Studio. The purpose of this study is to cluster Transjakarta corridors based on the number of passengers divided into 3 clusters: high, medium, and low. The results of data processing show that the Transjakarta corridor data cluster is based on the number of passengers using the K-Means cluster algorithm using Microsoft Excel and Rapidminer Studio to produce 3 clusters, namely cluster 1 with the highest number of passengers, one corridor, cluster 2 with the number of passengers being nine corridors and cluster 3 or 0 with a low number of passengers there are three corridors. The highest number of passengers is corridor one which serves the Blok M - Kota route, indicating that the Blok M - Kota route is the most used by Transjakarta passengers.