Quick response in the supply chain
Quick response - from evolution to revolution - new strategies for business logistics, M. Walker the quick response model and its applicability in the UK, M. Silman the role of logistics and IT in the European enterprise, G. Stevens electronic trading in Europe, B. Cole electronic commerce - a vital component in logistics structures, J. Jenkins global networking - why a managed solution is best, G. McArthur in-house or third party distribution, J.A. Sturrock distribution trends in the food manufacturing and processing industries, M. Browne and N. Greenslade pan-European business systems - results of survey, T. Evans supply chain planning under uncertainty, C. Lucas, G. Mitra and S.A. Mirhassani new trends in rapid response manufacturing logistics, P. Dempsey quick response manufacturing in the tyre industry, P.A. Folwell and C.I. Jones changing methods in the toiletries industry - a case study, B. Tunmore time-based distribution, M. Abrahamsson integraters - the challenge of changing logistics structures, T. Keating quick response in retail distribution - an international perspective, J. Fernie.