Towards a Data Consistency Modeling and Testing Framework for MOF Defined Languages

The number of online data sources is continuously increasing, and related data are often available from several sources. However accessing data from multiple sources is hindered by the use of different languages and schemas at the sources, as well as by inconsistencies among the data. There is thus a growing need for tools that enable the testing of consistency among data from different sources. This paper puts forward the concept of a framework, that supports the integration of UML models and ontologies written in languages such as the W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL). The framework will be based on the Meta Object Facility (MOF); a MOF metamodel (e.g. a metamodel for OWL) can be input as a specification, the framework will then allow the user to instantiate the specified metamodel. Consistencies requirements are specified using a special modeling technique that is characterized by its use of special Boolean class attributes, termed consistency attributes, to which OCL expressions are attached. The framework makes it possible to exercise the modeling technique on two or more legacy models and in this way specify consistency between models. Output of the consistency modeling is called an integration model which consist of the legacy models and the consistency model. The resulting integration model enables the testing of consistency between instances of legacy models; the consistency model is automatically instantiated and the consistency attribute values that are false indicates inconsistencies.