Robustness and complex data structures : Festschrift in honour of Ursula Gather

Part I Univariate and Multivariate Robust Methods: Multivariate Median (Hannu Oja).- Depth Statistics (Karl Mosler).- Multivariate Extremes: A Conditional Quantile Approach (Marie-Francoise Barme-Delcroix).- High-Breakdown Estimators of Multivariate Location and Scatter (Peter Rousseeuw and Mia Hubert).- Upper and Lower Bounds for Breakdown Points (Christine H. Muller).- The Concept of alpha-outliers in Structured Data Situations (Sonja Kuhnt and Andre Rehage).- Multivariate OutlierIidentification Based on Robust Estimators of Location and Scatter (Claudia Becker, Steffen Liebscher and Thomas Kirschstein).- Robustness for Compositional Data (Peter Filzmoser and Karel Hron).- Part II Regression and Time Series Analysis: Least Squares Estimation in High Dimensional Sparse Heteroscedastic Models (Holger Dette and Jens Wagener).- Bayesian Smoothing, Shrinkage and Variable Selection in Hazard Regression (Susanne Konrath, Ludwig Fahrmeir and Thomas Kneib).- Robust Change Point Analysis (Marie Huskova).- Robust Signal Extraction From Time Series in Real Time (Matthias Borowski, Roland Fried and Michael Imhoff).- Robustness in Time Series: Robust Frequency Domain Analysis (Bernhard Spangl and Rudolf Dutter).- Robustness in Statistical Forecasting (Yuriy Kharin).- Finding Outliers in Linear and Nonlinear Time Series (Pedro Galeano and Daniel Pena).- Part III Complex Data Structures: Qualitative Robustness of Bootstrap Approximations for Kernel Based Methods (Andreas Christmann, Matias Salibian-Barrera and Stefan Van Aels).- Some Machine Learning Approaches to the Analysis of Temporal Data (Katharina Morik).- Correlation, Tail Dependence and Diversification (Dietmar Pfeifer).- Evidence for Alternative Hypotheses (Stephan Morgenthaler and Robert G. Staudte).- Concepts and a Case Study for a Flexible Class of Graphical Markov Models (NannyWermuth and David R. Cox).- Data Mining in Pharmacoepidemiological Databases (Marc Suling, Robert Weber and Iris Pigeot).- Meta-Analysis of Trials with Binary Outcomes (JurgenWellmann).

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[38]  Katharina Morik,et al.  Combining Statistical Learning with a Knowledge-Based Approach - A Case Study in Intensive Care Monitoring , 1999, ICML.

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