Estimation of channel characteristics of narrow bipolar events based on the transmission-line model

[1] Narrow bipolar event (NBE) is a distinct class of intracloud lightning discharge, which is associated with the strongest radio frequency emissions and produces typical narrow bipolar radiation field waveforms. On the basis of the transmission-line model, we introduce a direct technique to measure the time taken by the current front to propagate along the channel from distant radiation field pulses; the channel length of the NBE can then be estimated by multiplying this time by an assumed propagation speed. Our method involves integrating over the initial half cycle of narrow bipolar waveform of the NBE. The ratio of the integral result to the initial peak amplitude makes a good approximation to the time taken by the current front to travel along the channel, even though the current amplitude suffers heavy attenuation along the propagating channel. This method can be applied to all NBEs which produce narrow bipolar radiation field waveforms. Besides, if both the far radiation field and the near-electrostatic field measurements were available, one could combine the method here and that of Eack (2004) to obtain the channel length of the NBE.

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