Demonstration of F-CAP TARPS-CD system with real-time airborne image exploitation

An upgraded digital reconnaissance pod payload, denoted as “Full-Capability” (F-CAP), has been developed and demonstrated as part of the F-14 TARPS-CD (Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod -- Completely Digital) effort. A key improvement is the incorporation of the NRL-developed ARIES (Airborne Real-time Image Exploitation System) circuit card into the Reconnaissance Management System for in-cockpit display, processing, and geo-location of imagery from the TARPS-CD digital framing camera system. A special cockpit control panel allows the aircrew to quickly manipulate the video images (e.g., pan, zoom and roam), and create an image segment. The annotated image segment can then be relayed via the F-14 Fast Tactical Imagery (FTI) link to the carrier or to a strike aircraft for target prosecution. A solid-state recorder allows near-instantaneous retrieval of full-resolution imagery recorded earlier, for use by the ARIES card or for transmittal to the ground/carrier via the 274-Mbps CDL link. The F-CAP pod is being evaluated in operational exercises by F-14 squadron VF-32 aboard the carrier USS Harry S Truman.