Swedish Biotech Smes: The Veiled Values in Online Networks

This study considers the role of social networktheory in unveiling the hidden value in Internet networks in the Swedishbiotechnology industry. To value informal internet-based networks, socialnetwork analysis is used to identify key nodes in the network on the Internetfor small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), using data from the Swedishbiotech industry. Data concerning the online networks of Swedish biotech SMEs (defined asenterprises with fewer than 100 employees) were gathered through: (1)identifying three different biotech SME company websites as the starting point;(2) recording all the hyperlinks referring to external websites; (3) visitingthose links back to the originating links; and (4) constructing a sociogram ofthis network. Prominence and structural hole analyses were used to determinethe most important networks and actors in the system. The findings show that networks can be constructed from the links betweenthe websites of actor firms. The findings also suggest the possibility of usingsocial network theory to identify the most prominent actors and to outline theentrepreneurial opportunities in whichthese identified actors can engage.(CBS)