Visualization for a corrective congestion management based on FACTS devices

The change of the generation pattern in today's electricity markets results in more frequent network congestions, which limit free market activities. Therefore, a preventive recognition of congestions and the application of corrective measures are essential for both system and trading operation. The paper presents new tools, which are used on a day-ahead basis to face congestion problems. For the correction of critical situations an algorithm is described, which includes the systematic use of FACTS devices (e.g. UPFC). The required FACTS set-point values are calculated on the basis of a sensitivity analysis using distribution factors. However, the algorithm and the visualization concept can also be applied to other load flow controlling devices. For an efficient operation of the power system even under congestion conditions, high-quality information must be provided to the operators in the control room. Therefore, the paper includes the description of an intuitive visualization concept, which shows both overloading and control measures just in a single diagram.