REFORMULATING THE CUBE LAW FOR PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION ELECTIONS REIN T AAGEPERA University of California, Irvine Le cube law was proposed around 1910 to express the con- version of a party's vote shares into its seat share in two-party plurality elections with single-seat districts. This article develops predictive seat-vote equations for a much wider range of elections, including those involving many parties, single- and multi-seat districts, and diverse seat allocation rules such as plurality and list proportional repre- sentation (PR). Without any statistical curve fitting based on the seat and vote shares themselves, the basic features of the conversion are predicted using exogenous parameters: magnitude and number of districts, number of parties, and total size of the electorate and of the assembly. The link between the proposed equations and the original cube law is explicated. Using an existing data base, the fit of the predictive model is examined. On balance, this model accounts well for the conversion of votes to seats, and for the deviation from proportionality in PR systems. A fundamental issue. for democracies is the extent to which elections reflect the popular will. One important aspect of that concern is the degree to which voter preferences for different parties and candidates are reflected in electoral outcomes. The way in which this question is commonly studied is by looking at the relationship between the aggregate vote share for can- didates of a given party (or other group- ing) and the aggregate seat share received by candidates of that party (Rae, 1971). Some electoral systems expressly aim at proportional representation (PR), that is, seat shares equal to vote shares. However, the so-called PR systems differ widely among themselves in the degree to which they deviate from ideal PR, largely because different district magnitudes (i.e., the number of seats per district) are used, and different numbers of parties have evolved. Discussion of electoral reform in such countries often revolves not around the principle of PR, but around whether and how to make the system somewhat more or less proportional. However, such discussion has not beeh guided by any general quantitative rule predicting the specific degree of deviation from PR in the systems existing or proposed. For plurality elections, it is well known that proportionality between vote shares and seat shares cannot be expected. In this case, however, a votes-to-seats conver- sion rule has been proposed, the so-called cube law. Devising a comparable expres- sion for the PR elections would have con- siderable practical importance in guiding the discussions of electoral reform. A AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW VOL. 80 NO. 2 JUNE, 1986
Peter J. Taylor,et al.
Seats, Votes, and the Spatial Organization of Elections
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R. Taagepera.
The size of national assemblies
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Choosing an Electoral System: Issues and Alternatives
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Seats and Votes: An Application of the Cube Law to the Canadian Electoral System
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The Desired Political Entropy
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The Relationship between Seats and Votes in Two-Party Systems
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Party Legislative Representation as a Function of Election Results
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The Law of the Cubic Proportion in Election Results
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“Effective” Number of Parties
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Sozialwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch für Politik
The Cube Law Revisited
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Should a Two-and-a-Half Law Replace the Cube Law in British Elections?
Rein Taagepera,et al.
Seats and votes: A generalization of the cube law of elections
A Stochastic Model of Elections in Two-Party Systems
The Swing Ratio and Game Theory
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The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws
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Introduction to Mathematical Sociology
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