Keep Abreast of the Microwave Art
Microwaves are playing an ever-increasing role in the communications field. Over 30,000 route miles are already being used in the United States by communication companies, industrial and transportation concerns and the military agencies. Bell System microwave facilities alone provide more than 6,500,000 miles of telephone circuits and 48,000 miles of television channels. Thousands of miles of additional microwave facilities are either under construction or in the planning state. In addition to voice and television transmission, microwave systems are being used for services such as teletype, telemetering and remote control. The military agencies are installing an increasing amount of microwave equipment for national defense. With such expansion in the uses of microwave, those of us who are responsible for the design and installation of these systems must keep abreast of the art, in order that new systems may contain the latest advances, resulting in improved quality, greater dependability and lower cost.