This paper describes the fine-pitch interconnection capabilities of the ultra-thin chip packaging (UTCP) technology, a technology under development for embedding thin chips in a flexible polyimide (PI) substrate. It allows for fully flexible electronics, as the rigid chips are thinned down to 20-30 ¿m, at which point they become truly flexible themselves. This way, instead of just a flexible substrate with rigid components assembled on top, the entire circuitry can be incorporated inside a 30-40 ¿m thin chip package. The paper briefly introduces the technology's background with a short description of the fabrication process. Building on the developments already achieved, some further optimizations are discussed, and the technology is tested for its fine-pitch interconnection capabilities using test chips with four-point probe and daisy chain patterns, with a pitch down to 40 ¿m. The possibility to package several chips in the same substrate is investigated, as well, and finally an outlook on future experiments is briefly discussed.
Bart Vandevelde,et al.
UTCP: 60 µm thick bendable package
J. Vanfleteren,et al.
Fabrication Processes for Embedding Thin Chips in Flat Flexible Substrates
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging.
J. Vanfleteren,et al.
Assembly of ultra-thin chip packages (UTCPs) for enhanced flexibility of flexible displays
2008 2nd Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference.
J. Vanfleteren,et al.
Multiple chip integration for flat flexible electronics
PORTABLE-POLYTRONIC 2008 - 2nd IEEE International Interdisciplinary Conference on Portable Information Devices and the 2008 7th IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics.