집합적 정비사업의 규모 설정에 관한 기초 연구
The purpose of this paper is primarily to emphasize the collective redevelopment as a basic form of space scheme for systematization. The collective redevelopment that is the subject of this paper, can define as a realistic form of great-sphere unit redevelopment. It designates all adjacent target area for one planed target but individual units are given self-control right in the enforcement redevelopment. Although many separate studies have been trying to regenerate redevelopment units and districts, providing infrastructure and typing individual redevelopment unit have been limited. Therefore, we need to explore typing redevelopment units for introduction of a collective redevelopment in Korea. This study classifies the redevelopment unit into its types according to the characteristic of urban infrastructure. With this result, we make expanding infrastructure factor that is considered to be necessary when applying to Korea. This thesis also presents concrete schemes to actualize collective redevelopment and scheme systematization