Bath scalds in children in the south-east of Scotland.
Scalds caused by domestic hot tap water constitute a significant but preventable hazard in childhood. We have reviewed some of the factors contributing to such injuries, and the experience of a regional paediatric burn unit in their treatment. There were 91 children with bath water scalds and 667 children with thermal injuries from other sources included in this study. In the former group, scalds were more common on the limbs, including the hands and feet. Scalds involving over 40% of body surface area were more common in children with bath water injuries; however, there was no difference between the groups with regard to hospital stay or requirement for skin grafting. Parents ran the bath responsible for scald production in most cases, but single parenthood did not appear to be a risk factor. First aid application made no significant difference to eventual burn area or hospital stay. It appears from this study that reduction of domestic hot water temperature is necessary. Statutory control is likely to offer the best solution to the problem of domestic hot tap water scalds in childhood.