Numerically calculated Q-switched laser output characteristics of high-power diode-laser-pumped Nd:YAG laser

A numerical model for high power diode laser-pumped Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is presented. Number of models based on analytical methods for describing the performance effects of diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers have appeared in the literature. But very few numerical models have so far been reported. Our model based on the numerical method takes into account all operational characteristics of pump laser diode at 808 nm, all opto-geometric and spectroscopic parameters of Nd:YAG crystal, the cavity parameters and various losses including Q-switch loss. Only the thermal lensing effect is excluded in the model. The model has been described to be simple, flexible with on-line graphics facility. It has been tested in case of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser experimental results of which are in close agreement with those predicted by the model. The model can efficiently and accurately compute the Q- switched pulse energy, energy stored in the gain medium, pulse width, etc. Efforts are now being made to generalize and improve the predictive capability of the model so that it can be extended to other solid-state laser crystals optically pumped by laser diodes. It is expected that generalized mathematical model will be highly proficient and interactive to accurately predict the laser output.