Functional Basis of Ocular Motility Disorders

This book contains the articles and discussions of 84 participants in the international symposium held in Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, September, 1981. Although the presentations were organized from a clinical point of view, most of the material concerns oculomotor research in humans and lesions produced in monkeys trained to fixate and follow targets. The major sections include the following: eye muscle structure and function, eye movement in strabismus and amblyopia, congenital nystagmus, disorders of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus, eye-head coordination, oculomotor disorders of central and cerebellar origin, and new concepts in the treatment of strabismus including the "Faden" operation. Ragnar Granit stated that future research would probably be directed to the adaptation of the CNS to disease affecting ocular motility. The articles are reproduced in various kinds of typewriter type. There are 37 pages of references. For clinicians interested in strabismus and especially for workers in oculomotor research, this book is