Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Seismically excited Bridges with lead Rubber Bearing Isolation

This study examines the feasibility of applying adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control (AFSMC) strategies to reduce the dynamic responses of bridges constructed using a lead rubber bearing (LRB) isolation hybrid protective system. Recently developed control devices for civil engineering structures, including hybrid systems and semi-active systems, have been found to have inherent nonlinear properties. It is thus necessary to develop non-linear control methods to deal with such properties. Generally, controller fuzziness increases the robustness of the control system to counter uncertain system parameters and input excitation, and the non-linearity of the control rule increases the effectiveness of the controller relative to linear controllers. Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control (AFSMC) is a combination of sliding mode control (SMC) and fuzzy control. The performance and robustness of these proposed control methods are all verified by numerical simulation. The results demonstrate the viability of the presented methods. The attractive control strategy derived there-from is applied to seismically excited bridges using LRB isolation.

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