Biochemical, cytogenetic, and morphological characteristics of human primary and metastatic prostate cancer cell lines.

Metastatic properties of human prostatic cancer cell lines (ND-1 and DU-145) were examined using various biochemical techniques. DU-145 cells had a higher metastatic potential than ND-1 cells. Cytogenetic analysis by G-banding demonstrated an aneuploid karyotype with considerable structural rearrangement. ND-1 cells had a modal chromosome number range lower than DU-145 cells (45-66, compared to 54-62). Ploidy analysis revealed that DU-145 cells showed hyperdiploidy with a greater amount of proliferation than the majority of ND-1 cells. Electron microscopic studies revealed little change in the cell morphology of either line. DU-145 cells had lower phosphatidyl choline levels and higher sphingomyelin levels than ND-1. DU-145 cells had much lower arachidonic acid levels than ND-1 cells. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed protein differences between the two cell lines. This study demonstrates for the first time that lipids, proteins and cytogenetic parameters differ in human primary and secondary prostate cancer cell lines.