False smut of rice ( Ustilaginoidea virens ) under temperate agro-climatic conditions of Kashmir, India

A B ST R A C T False smut, caused by Ustilaginoidea virens , has recently been found in temperate agroclimatic conditions of Kashmir and is sporadic where rice is cultivated. In this study, rice false smut was surveyed in major rice production areas of Kashmir during two seasons. Disease incidence and severity varied significantly between seasons and locations. Seed germination in smut infected samples was 72.4% which is 21.45 per cent lower than the non - smutted samples (92.20%). Shoot and rood length were reduced to the extent of 32.53 and 22.65 per cent, respectively. Rice genotypes Jhelum and Shalimar rice-1 were found resistant while Pusa sughandh 3 and 5 were highly susceptible to false smut. Kashmir valley being mono cropped area of rice in Kharif season, further studies are needed to investigate the viability of the fungal spores and sclerotia during winter, variation between fungal isolates, ability to produce mycotoxins and devise control measures using integrated disease management practices.