Integrated Transmission and Distribution System Power Flow and Dynamic Simulation Using Mixed Three-Sequence/ Three-Phase Modeling

The interactions between distribution and transmission systems have increased significantly in recent years. However, in traditional power system simulation tools, transmission and distribution systems are separately modeled and analyzed. Hence, it is difficult to analyze the impacts of distribution systems on trans-mission systems and their interactions in detail. To facilitate the analysis of integrated transmission and distribution (T&D) systems, a novel modeling framework is proposed in this paper, where the transmission system is modeled as one subsystem in three-sequence detail, while each distribution system connected to it is represented as a subsystem and modeled in three-phase de-tail. With this modeling approach, unbalanced conditions at the boundary between T&D systems and within the transmission system can be represented. The integrated T&D power flow is solved by iteratively solving a three-sequence power flow for the transmission system and a three- phase power flow for each distribution system. Furthermore, a new dynamic simulation algorithm for integrated T&D system is proposed. The main challenge in developing this integrated T&D dynamic simulation is associated with different network representations in the trans-mission and distribution systems. With a partitioned solution approach adopted for dynamic simulation, the Multi-Area Thévenin Equivalent (MATE) approach is utilized in the network solution step to address this challenge. The proposed algorithms have been tested against an all electromagnetic transient simulation.