2016 리우패럴림픽 참가 대한민국선수단의 경기력향상을 위한 시차 및 환경적응 지침 개발

The purpose of this study was to develop the action guidelines for minimizing deconditioning owing to long flight time and jet lag, and to present the plan for athletic performance enhancement of Korea national team participating in 2016 Rio paralympic game. Qualitative analysis through collecting the bibliographic data and case-based reasoning were applied in this study. As a result, detailed action guidelines according to six phases consisting of preparatory phase, travel phase, overseas field training phase, village phase, phase at the venue, phase after the event were developed. Action guidelines developed in this study have to be applied especially to travel phase and overseas field training phase for getting excellent records in Rio paralympic. And it is suggested that orientation program should be introduced for Korea national team.