A Generic Business Logic for Energy Optimization Models

The "Energiewende" changes the energy system in Germany substantially. In order to cope with the rising share of volatile and weather-dependent energy production from renewables, it is necessary to be able to adapt the demand to the current energy supply. In order to achieve this, we propose a software platform called SmartEnergyHub , which is able to optimize assets of larger and energy-intensive infrastructures. The optimization is done in a way that the infrastructure is able to support the energy system by acting either as an energy producer or a consumer, depending on the current situation in the grid. For this, the SmartEnergyHub has to collect sensor data from generators, consumers and storage facilities and to run real-time optimization algorithms which define an optimal scheduling of demand and supply. One major challenge in building such a system is the requirement for fast processing of large amounts of sensor data by the optimization algorithms. Since the research field of energy optimization advances steadily, it is important to make the data handling as generic as possible in order to be able to use the latest optimization approaches without changing the data management. To meet this challenge, Mesap, the operational energy datawarehouse, is proposed as a basis for data handling in the SmartEnergyHub . The Mesap software is introduced and we show two examples for generic interfaces to connect optimization algorithms to Mesap and discuss their scalability for handling large data volumes.