Association of Characters and Path Coefficient Analysis Studies in Pearl Millet

The correlation and path coefficients were worked out for fifteen inbreds of pearl millet for 12 characters in four environments. The correlation studies revealed that the panicle length, number of total tillers plant -1 , number of grains cm -2 , test weight and main stem girth were found to be strongly and positively associated with grain yield and also among themselves in all the environments. Path coefficient analysis revealed that all the characters showed positive direct effects in two or more environments except days for 50 per cent flowering. Considering correlation and path coefficient analysis revealed that the panicle length, number of total tiller plant -1 , number of grains cm -2 , test weight and main stem girth showed positive and significant correlation with grain yield and also had positive direct or indirect influence on their correlation with grain yield uniformly in all the environments. Therefore these characters can be considered as important components of grain yield and selection for these characters in one environment might bring an improvement in grain yield for other environments under study.