FPGAImplementation ofaNovelAlgorithm foron-line BarBreakage Detection on Induction Motors

Preventive maintenance isoneofthemajor concerns in modernindustry where failure detection onmotors increases the useful life cycle onthemachinery. Barbreakage isoneofthemost commonfailures onmotors andmonitoring ofthis condition isa mandatory task forindustries. Previous worksonbarbreakage detection arebased onoff-line current orvibration analysis through thespectrum, buttheir detectability iscompromised under certain operating conditions. Thenovelty ofthis workistheproposal ofa correlation algorithm that combines current andvibration spectra toenhance detectability whereother works fail. Thecontribution of this workisthat theproposed algorithm, despite ofcomplexity in computational load, isimplemented into alow-cost FPGAgiving a special purpose SOCsolution foron-line operation, thanks tothe development ofaspecial purpose hardware signal processing unit. Several casesofstudyarepresented to demonstrate the implementation performance