A multi-agent system for managing plug-in hybrid vehicles as primary reserve capacity in a Smart Grid

Driven by environmental concerns, there is an increase in uncontrollable electricity generation from renewable energy sources. To maintain the delicate balance between production and consumption on the electricity grid, the amount of expensive reserve capacities is increasing. An intelligent electricity grid or Smart Grid will enable the control of appliances at consumers’ homes to improve grid balance. In particular, the control of PHEVs (plug-in hybrid vehicles) will oer a large exible reserve. The goal of our research is to compare several solutions for controlling PHEVs as a reserve capacity. This paper takes a rst step by controlling PHEVs with a multi-agent system as a primary reserve capacity. Simulations show that the multi-agent system is able to control PHEVs as a primary reserve, charge them in time and atten the transformer load. To guarantee a constant regulation power throughout the day, PHEVs require a grid connection at work and the possibility of V2G (vehicle-togrid).