A Parametric Study of the SASI Comparing General Relativistic and Non-Relativistic Treatments

We present numerical results from a parameter study of the standing accretion shock instability (SASI), investigating the impact of general relativity (GR) on the dynamics. Using GR hydrodynamics and gravity, and non-relativistic (NR) hydrodynamics and gravity, in an idealized model setting, we vary the initial radius of the shock and, by varying its mass and radius in concert, the proto-neutron star (PNS) compactness. We investigate two regimes expected in a post-bounce core-collapse supernova (CCSN): one meant to resemble a relatively low-compactness configuration and one meant to resemble a relatively high-compactness configuration. We find that GR leads to a longer SASI oscillation period, with ratios between the GR and NR cases as large as 1.29 for the high-compactness suite. We also find that GR leads to a slower SASI growth rate, with ratios between the GR and NR cases as low as 0.47 for the high-compactness suite. We discuss implications of our results for CCSN simulations.