Modelling aqueous corrosion : from individual pits to system management
Preface. Protectiveness of corrosion layers J.-L. Crolet. Mathematical modelling of localized corrosion A. Turnbull. Modelling corrosion in nuclear systems P. Berge. Modelling the adsorption of organic corrosion inhibitors on metal surfaces R. Raicheff, I. Betova, M. Bojinov, E. Lazarova. The use of acoustic emission for the study and monitoring of localized corrosion phenomena H. Mazille, R. Rothea. Expert systems for corrosion prevention and control P. R. Roberge. Anodic dissolution of metal coated by a formed salt film B. Tribollet. The respective effects of passive films and nonmetallic inclusions on the pitting resistance of stainless steels -- consequences on the pre-pitting noise and the anodic current transients B. Baroux, D. Gorse. Modelling the corrosion of zirconium alloys in nuclear reactors cooled by high temperature water B. Cox. Modelling procedures for predicting the lifetimes of nuclear waste containers D.W. Shoesmith, B.M. Ikeda, F. King. Mechanism of stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue of precipitation hardening aluminium alloys H. Friedrich, H. Killian, G. Knornschild, H. Kaesche. Medium aggressivity and inhibitive species in pitting corrosion and stainless steels C. Lemaitre. Modelling the capacitive behaviour of the passive film R. Oltra, P. Bucaille, M. Indrianjafy. Relationship between modelled turbulence parameters and corrosion product film stability in disturbed single-phase aqueous flow J. Postlethwaite, Y. Wang, G. Adamopoulos, S. Nesic. Modelling of CO2 corrosion mechanisms S. Nesic, J. Postlethwaite. Factors affecting the corrosion resistance of materials under irradiation in the early stage of growth of the passive films D. Gorse. Modelling ofelectrochemical noise due to the activation-controlled dissolution of metals R.A. Cottis. A systematic approach to the design of warship impressed current cathodic protection systems D.J. Tighe-Ford. Eliciting corrosion knowledge through the fault-tree eyeglass P.R. Roberge. New methods of quantitative analysis of localized corrosion using scanning electrochemical probes K.R. Trethewey, D.A. Sargeant, D.J. Marsch, S. Haines. Towards improved quantitative characterization of corroding surfaces using fractal models K.R. Trethewey, P.R. Roberge. Index.