대형 고중량 충격시험장치 개발
In this paper, the conceptual study results for the development of the horizontal type large scale heavy weight shock testing machine(HLHSTM) to evaluate shock survivability of the heavy weight equipments of the shipboard weapon systems under the UNDEX shock environments are described. Several shock test specifications about shock survivability evaluation under UNDEX are considered to decide the development requirement of HLHSTM. According to the results of the developed feasibility study to develop core technologies for the heavy weight shock testing machine to simulate dual pulse shock, the HLHSTM by using high force/speed MR damper systems is suggested. The modified pulse regulator systems by using high force pneumatic spring actuator and the modified MR damper are studied to simulate precisely the negative pulse of the dual sine pulse and adjust residual vibration. In this paper, we performed a conceptual study to develop HLHSTM. The validity of the developed design concepts were confirmed through the analysis and validity check tests by using the small scale prototype testing machine.