Status of the high-resolution near-infrared camera CONICA for the VLT (European Southern Observatory)

An infrared camera called CONICA, for use at the first unit of the VLT (ESO), for diffraction limited observations in the spectral range from 1 - 5 micrometers is being built up by a consortium of the MPI fur Astronomie (Heidelberg, Germany) and the MPI fur Extraterrestrische Physik (Garching, Germany). The camera, which originally was planned for the Coude focus of the single telescope, now -- after postponement of the Coude trail -- is designed for application at the Nasmyth focus. Combined with an adaptive optics system this camera offers diffraction limited direct imaging capabilities. Imaging spectroscopy using a cold Fabry Perot etalon is offered as well as spectroscopy by means of grisms and imaging polarimetry. Optics and cryo- mechanics are designed for implementation of a 1024 X 1024 InSb IR-array. The imaging scale can be adapted for correct sampling of the wavelength dependent diffraction limited beam between 13.6 and 109 mas/pixel corresponding to a field of views between 13.9 and (phi) 73 arcsec. The spatial resolution is between 32 mas in J band (centered at 1.25 micrometers ) and 116 mas in M band (centered at 5 micrometers ). The instrument will be completely remote controlled.