Algorithms for Anonymity Preservation in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a new technology and modern concept of the world. Users store enormous amount of data on cloud storage for future use. Now a day’s anonymity to the data stored in cloud is a feature and protection is a very major challenging mission in cloud computing. The objective of this paper is to provide the anonymity techniques algorithm for the cloud environment. We propose novel techniques such as, Tiered Blind and Anonymous Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption (TBAHIBE) and Spatial Keyword Search (SKS) for providing anonymity preservation to the data stored in cloud server. A spatial keyword search is a preservation that is optimized to database query and stored data in cloud ESHGR. This paper, presents the preceding analysis by considering the anonymity is provided for each data by using the TBAHIBE technique. We have designed a new anonymity algorithm for the cloud environment through an attempt to bring solutions of such problems.