Roman Inscriptions 1986–90

This survey does not aim at completeness. It is a personal selection, on the one hand, of recent epigraphic work which is of significance and interest to an ancient historian, and, on the other hand, of those epigraphic ‘tools of the trade’ which are important for anyone trying to interpret an inscription. But we start with some more narrowly epigraphic topics. If the death of Louis Robert and concern for the future of the Bulletin épigraphique overshadowed the last review, it is fitting that this should begin with the good news of the rebirth of the Bulletin, produced since 1987 by an international, although largely French, team of specialists and edited by Ph. Gauthier. The archicubal verve may be missing, but the coverage of the new version is good and adds usefully to that of the old.

[1]  J. Adams British Latin: The Text, Interpretation and Language of the Bath Curse Tablets , 1992, Britannia.

[2]  M. Millett,et al.  The Early Roman Empire in the West , 1992, Britannia.

[3]  C. Roueché Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity , 1991, The Classical Review.

[4]  L. Keppie Understanding Roman Inscriptions , 1991 .

[5]  Keith W. Hopkins,et al.  Literacy in the roman world , 1991 .

[6]  Huub Brouwer Bona Dea: The Sources and a Description of the Cult , 1991 .

[7]  Richard Duncan-Jones,et al.  Structure and scale in the Roman economy , 1992 .

[8]  J. Adams The Forfex of the Veterinarius Virilis (Vindolanda Inv. No. 86/470) and Ancient Methods of Castrating Horses. , 1990, Britannia.

[9]  J. Reynolds,et al.  Gifts, Curses, Cult and Society at Bath , 1990, Britannia.

[10]  L. Curchin The Local Magistrates of Roman Spain , 1990 .

[11]  Benjamin Isaac The Limits of Empire , 1990 .

[12]  J. Gascou Les inscriptions: Le mausolée de Cucuron (Vaucluse) , 1990 .

[13]  Fabienne Burkhalter Archives locales et archives centrales en Egypte romaine , 1990 .

[14]  E. Badian The Consuls, 179-49 BC , 1990 .

[15]  M. Wörrle Inschriften von Herakleia am Latmos II. Das Priestertum der Athena Latmia , 1990 .

[16]  P. Weaver Where have all the Junian Latins gone? Nomenclature and Status in the Early Empire , 1990 .

[17]  J. Lancha Les mosaïques de Vienne , 1990 .

[18]  E. Gruen Studies in Greek Culture and Roman Policy , 1990 .

[19]  R. Duncan-jones Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy: Roman life–expectancy , 1990 .

[20]  P. Cartledge Hellenistic and Roman Sparta , 2020 .

[21]  F. H. Thompson,et al.  Roman architecture in the Greek world , 1989 .

[22]  N. Kampen,et al.  Roman imperial funerary altars with portraits , 1989 .

[23]  D. Boschung,et al.  Antike Grabaltäre aus den Nekropolen Roms@@@Antike Grabaltare aus den Nekropolen Roms , 1989 .

[24]  John Clayton Fant Cavum Antrum Phrygiae , 1989 .

[25]  M. Leglay,et al.  Trois nouvelles inscriptions de Lyon , 1989 .

[26]  Hervé Joubeaux Un type particulier de monuments funéraires : les «pyramidions » des nécropoles gallo-romaines de Dijon , 1989 .

[27]  P. Herrmann Rom und die Asylie griechischer Heiligtümer: Eine Urkunde des Dictators Caesar aus Sardeis , 1989 .

[28]  Armin U. Stylow Änderungen in Kaiserinschriften. Zwei Beispiele aus Hispanien , 1989 .

[29]  Matthäus Heil M. Hirrius Fronto Neratius Pansa, legatus exercitus Africae , 1989 .

[30]  Armin U. Stylow,et al.  Zu Ti. Plautius Silvanus Aelianus in Hispanien , 1989 .

[31]  W. Jongman,et al.  Bad year economics , 1989 .

[32]  S. Link Konzepte der Privilegierung römischer Veteranen , 1989 .

[33]  M. Kajava,et al.  Atratus, a New Epithet of Jupiter: CIL Χ 5779 Reconsidered , 1989 .


[35]  M. Speidel The Soldiers' Servants. , 1989 .

[36]  R. Davies Service in the Roman Army , 1989 .

[37]  J. Wacher The Roman World , 1989 .

[38]  Y. L. Bohec La Troisième Légion Auguste , 1989 .

[39]  J. Keenan,et al.  Pastoral economies in classical antiquity , 1989 .

[40]  J. Poucet Réflexions sur l'écrit et l'écriture dans la Rome des premiers siècles , 1989 .

[41]  W. Jongman,et al.  Public intervention in the food supply in pre-industrial Europe , 1989 .

[42]  J. Mann,et al.  Discharge Certificates of the Roman Army , 1988, Britannia.

[43]  D. Mason ‘Prata Legionis’ in Britain , 1988, Britannia.

[44]  F. Millar Government and Diplomacy in the Roman Empire during the First Three Centuries , 1988 .

[45]  William M. Murray,et al.  The Spoils of Actium , 1988 .

[46]  S. Demougin L'ordre équestre sous les Julio-claudiens , 1988 .

[47]  V. Velkov,et al.  «Venatio Caesariana». Eine neue Inschrift aus Montana (Moesia Inferior) , 1988 .

[48]  Raphaela Drexhage Untersuchungen zum römischen Osthandel , 1988 .

[49]  Urbano Espinosa,et al.  Eine Hirtenkultur im Umbruch. Untersuchungen zu einer Gruppe von Inschriften aus dem conventus Caesaraugustanus (Hispania Citerior) , 1988 .

[50]  Fanoula Papazoglou Les stèles éphébiques de Stuberra , 1988 .

[51]  M. Wörrle Inschriften von Herakleia am Latmos I: Antiochos III., Zeuxis und Herakleia , 1988 .

[52]  I. Kajanto Epigraphical Evidence of the Cult of Fortuna in Germania Romana , 1988 .

[53]  P. J. Sijpesteijn,et al.  A Military Roster on a Vase in Amsterdam. , 1988 .

[54]  S. Dixon The Roman Mother , 1988 .

[55]  J. Arce,et al.  Estudios sobre la Tabula Siarensis , 1988 .

[56]  María Amalia Marín Díaz Emigración, colonización y municipalización en la Hispania republicana , 1988 .

[57]  Dennis P. Kehoe The economics of agriculture on Roman imperial estates in North Africa , 1988 .

[58]  J. Russell The Mosaic Inscriptions of Anemurium. , 1987 .

[59]  M. Boatwright Hadrian and the City of Rome , 1987 .

[60]  J. D. Thomas,et al.  New Texts from Vindolanda , 1987, Britannia.

[61]  M. Speidel The Chattan War, the Brigantian Revolt and the Loss of the Antonine Wall , 1987, Britannia.

[62]  V. Nutton Die Stellung des Arztes in der römischen Gesellschaft , 1987, Medical History.

[63]  M. Hörig,et al.  Corpus Cultus Iovis Dolicheni (CCID) , 1987 .

[64]  Alain G. Martin La titulature épigraphique de Domitien , 1987 .

[65]  A. Ovadiah,et al.  Mosaic pavements in Israel: Hellenistic, Roman, and early Byzantine , 1987 .

[66]  P. Silvio La collezione epigrafica dei Musei Capitolini , 1987 .

[67]  Malcolm Errington Θεά 'Ρώμη und römischer Einfluß südlich des Mäanders im 2. Jh. v.Chr , 1987 .

[68]  K. Dietz Passauer Viehhändler. Ein collegium bubulariorum auf einer Inschrift aus Passau , 1987 .

[69]  J. L. Genière,et al.  Aphrodisias de Carie , 1987 .

[70]  T. Drew-Bear,et al.  Un castellum romain près d'Apamée de Phrygie , 1987 .

[71]  Alain G. Martin Domitien Germanicus et les documents grecs d'Égypte , 1987 .

[72]  J. Richard,et al.  Inscriptions de Cilicie , 1987 .

[73]  T. P. Wiseman Roman studies : literary and historical , 1987 .

[74]  R. Kearsley M. Ulpius Appuleius Eurykles of Aezani: Panhellene, Asiarch and Archiereus of Asia , 1987, Antichthon.

[75]  R. Macmullen Women′s Power in the Principate , 1986 .

[76]  R. Saller Patria potestas and the stereotype of the Roman family , 1986, Continuity and Change.

[77]  C. Snow,et al.  Silver from Early Byzantium: The Kaper Koraon and Related Treasures , 1986 .

[78]  J. Linderski,et al.  The Augural Law , 1986 .

[79]  F. Millar Italy and the Roman Empire: Augustus to Constantine , 1986 .

[80]  F. Yegül,et al.  The Bath-Gymnasium Complex at Sardis , 1986 .

[81]  Yiannis E. Meimaris Sacred names, Saints, Martyrs and church officials in the Greek inscriptions and papyri pertaining to the christian church of palestine , 1986 .

[82]  J. Rodríguez La annona militaris y la exportación de aceite bético a Germania , 1986 .

[83]  H. Halfmann Zur Datierung und Deutung der Priesterliste am Augustus-Roma-Tempel in Ankara , 1986 .

[84]  M. Christol Proconsuls de Chypre , 1986 .

[85]  R. Fox Pagans and Christians , 1986 .

[86]  J. Noret L'expédition canadienne à Soli et ses résultats pour l'intelligence et la datation de la Vie de S. Auxibe , 1986 .

[87]  P. Frisch Zehn agonistische Papyri , 1986 .

[88]  Hélène Jouffroy La construction publique en Italie et dans l'Afrique romaine , 1986 .

[89]  O. Dilke Greek and Roman maps , 1986 .

[90]  Pierre‑Louis Gatier Nouvelles inscriptions de Gerasa , 1985 .

[91]  A. Lucia Roma - Via imperiale , 1985 .

[92]  F. Laubenheimer La production des amphores en Gaule narbonnaise , 1985 .

[93]  K. Rigsby,et al.  Aphrodisias and Rome , 1982 .

[94]  P. Silvio Epigrafia e ordine senatorio , 1982 .

[95]  A. M. Abdalla,et al.  Studies in the history of Arabia , 1979 .

[96]  M. Amelotti,et al.  Le costituzioni giustinianee nei papiri e nelle epigrafi , 1972 .

[97]  B. Cunliffe,et al.  The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath , 1966, Antiquity.

[98]  C. Bishop The Gallic Empire , 1966 .

[99]  I. Richmond,et al.  The Temple of Sulis-Minerva at Bath , 1955, Journal of Roman Studies.