Pituitary Corticotrophin (ACTH) Production in Rheumatoid Arthritis tested indirectly with Metopiron (Su 4885)

Metopiron [2-methyl1,2-bis-3-pyridyl)-1 -propanone; Su 4885] inhibits 1 1--hydroxylation in the adrenal cortex, and this inhibition is reflected as an increased production of ACTH in the anterior pituitary. It was found by Liddle, Estep, Kendall, Williams, and Townes (1959) that the pituitary production of ACTH in man can be measured with aid of Metopiron and numerous clinical studies have since been carried out which have shown that the Metopiron test can be employed as a reliable indirect method of evaluating the pituitary production of ACTH (e.g. Andersson, 1961; Faber, 1961; Gold, Kent, and Forsham, 1961). In this paper we report results that obtained when the Metopiron test was applied to patients with rheumatoid arthritis.