Nuove biblioteche. Un intervento di ricupero funzionale all'Università di Trento
A new library at the University of Trento.
The Main Library of the University of Trento moved recently from a building shared with the Faculty of Sociology, to a new one nearby, which has been completely renovated for this purpose over the last two years. As usual when a library is located in an already existing structure, to make it suitable to the demands of a library is a challenging task, which was only partly achieved. The main problems to overcome were the limited size of the building and its shape that made a flexible use of the space impossible, as well as the lack of natural lighting. On the other hand, an ample basement guarantees enough space for books and periodicals for years to come.
Pre-print of the article "A Trento un recupero nel segno della qualita" published in 'Biblioteche oggi' 2006, n. 2, p. 18-21.