The DATech Standard Usability Test is devoted to the conformity and nonconformity of software with usability standards (ISO 9241 Parts 10 and 11). The methods are intended for usabil ity experts. The professional tester of software is guided to restrict the test effort to those require ments that can be derived as being objective and valid. A statement on conformity is thus confined to the list of such requirements. On this basis the results achieved with a test are reproducible. A complete product test, as suggested by the verification approach of ISO 9241, can hardly be put into practice cost-effectively. Therefore, according to the DATech approach a product's conformity with standards is being presumed until the reverse has been verified (so-called falsification approach). Such a proof is always linked to objective requirements derived from the context of use and user performance. Adhering to this test approach a product can be claimed as usable. If a deviation from the standard is suspected, it has to be proven by means of a separate procedure. In this case the im pact of a suspected deviation on user performance is looked into. The virtue of this approach is not only seen in the stated defects and related impacts but also in its constructive contribution to qual ity improvement. Every ergonomic improvement helps save usage costs. Nowadays, it is not the purchase costs that "gives the user a headache" but the mostly underestimated usage costs. The ap plication of the test method can therefore contribute to reduce these costs and simultaneously im prove the quality of work.
John M. Carroll,et al.
Scenario-based design: envisioning work and technology in system development: john wiley & sons
Thomas K. Landauer,et al.
The trouble with computers
Randolph G. Bias,et al.
Cost-justifying usability
Mary Beth Rosson,et al.
Scenario-based design
Regine Freitag,et al.
Making Use of Scenarios for Validating Analysis and Design
IEEE Trans. Software Eng..
Jakob Nielsen,et al.
Usability inspection methods
CHI 95 Conference Companion.
Ivar Jacobson,et al.
Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Joseph F. Dumas,et al.
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing
Deborah J. Mayhew,et al.
The usability engineering lifecycle
CHI Extended Abstracts.
Karan Harbison,et al.
User-Centered Requirements: The Scenario-Based Engineering Process
Deborah J. Mayhew,et al.
The usability engineering lifecycle
CHI Conference Summary.
Jonathan Earthy,et al.
The Benefits of Using ISO 13407: Human Centred Design Process for Interactive Systems
Ivar Jacobson,et al.
Object-oriented software engineering - a use case driven approach
Mark Minasi.
The Software Conspiracy: Why Software Companies Put Out Faulty Products, How They Can Hurt You, and What You Can Do about It