A Comparison of Ziehl-Neelsen Staining and Fluorescent Microscopy for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

According to WHO one third of the world population have tuberculosis. The present study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of flurochrome(FI) stain with conventional Z-N stain in the diagnosis of pulmonary & extra- pulmonary tuberculosis. 388 cases of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis were included in the study. All samples were screen for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) by Z-N & Fluorescent staining methods. Positive samples detected by fluorescent stain were 57(14.69%) when compared to Zn stain 29(7.47%). Conclusion: Compared to Z-N stain (7.47%) flurochrome staining was found to be more efficient (14.69%) in AFB detection of AFB from cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.