Integrating bilberry yields into regional long-term forest scenario analyses

ABSTRACT In many areas, picking wild berries constitutes an important forest commodity offering food, recreational services, and revenues. Intensified forest management has negatively affected bilberry yields. In this study, regional-level scenario analyses were conducted to investigate the effects of four approaches to the inclusion of bilberry yields on the economics, management, and resulting forest structures in North Karelia. The current approach ignoring bilberries resulted in decreasing bilberry yields and increasing younger forests. When bilberries were valued at market price (1.72 € kg−1), bilberry yields still decreased despite the fact that forest management were slightly modified to favour bilberry. Adding non-declining sustainability constraints to bilberry yields resulted in a slightly lower total net present value of timber and bilberry since forest management favoured longer rotation lengths, which increased bilberry yields. Similar effects occurred when the bilberry price was tripled to include the implicit ecosystem benefits of bilberries. When forests were managed only for bilberries (timber zero-priced), bilberry yields started to increase immediately resulting in 1.5-fold difference in 50 years as compared to timber only scenario. In conclusion, managing forests for both timber and bilberry production has rather minor effects on economics, but it can have clear positive effect on bilberry yields.

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