La diabetes mellitus. Herramienta para la toma de decisiones compartidas en la diabetes mellitus tipo II

Diabetes is a chronic and prevalent disease, which has a gradual development and for its control are essential advice and guidance of health personal, together with the patient’s attention. Therefore, it is imperative that the patient knows and understands 284 àGora de Salut. Vol. V. iSSN: 2443-9827. doi: httP://dx.doi.orG/10.6035/aGoraSalut.2018.5.31 PP. 283-288 their pathology along with the options for their treatment, how it affects their quality of life, as well as being able to value their own preferences and look for where to look for information. An aid tool has been developed with the objective of providing information on the different treatment options, so as to facilitate reflection and joint discussion with the professional. The result has been the creation of a triptych. In conclusion, an instrument has been implemented to help patients to know more about their pathology and to make decisions that are shared with the healthcare professional according to their preferences, increasing confidence in the health system and adherence to treatment.