This article describes a study conducted in Israel which focused on how learning industrial chemistry case studies affects students' perceptions of their classroom learning environment and their interest in chemistry studies. The goal of the study was to determine the effects of industrial case studies on students' perceptions of chemistry in general, and industrial chemistry in particular. Information on students' perceptions was gathered from a learning environment inventory specifically developed for this study. It was observed that industrial chemistry case studies helped in providing students with a relevant picture of chemistry in general and their chemistry studies in particular. It was also found that teachers who had attended an intensive training workshop were the most successful in presenting the relevance of chemistry in the case studies. These teachers also were more successful in raising students' awareness of the social implications of chemistry studies. Furthermore, their students had a better awareness of the contribution made by chemistry studies to their preparation as future citizens and for a possible career in chemistry. These findings have important implications for any decisions about whether to make industrial chemistry case studies obligatory for students who major in chemistry. There are further implications regarding the content and learning strategies to be used for the professional development of science teachers in general and chemistry teachers in particular.
Avi Hofstein,et al.
The Learning Environment of High School Students in Chemistry and Biology Laboratories.
Avi Hofstein,et al.
Motivating strategies in science education: Attempt at an analysis
R. Yager.
Science‐Technology‐Society As Reform
Barry J. Fraser,et al.
Classroom Environment Instruments: Development, Validity and Applications
Avi Hofstein,et al.
The development and implementation of two industrial chemistry case studies for the Israeli high school chemistry curriculum
Avi Hofstein,et al.
A comparison of the actual and preferred classroom learning environment in biology and chemistry as perceived by high school students
Avi Hofstein,et al.
The measurement of the interest in, and attitudes to, laboratory work amongst Israeli high school chemistry students
Classroom Behaviour of Exemplary and Non‐exemplary Chemistry Teachers