Handbook of Research in International Marketing

Contents: Preface PART I: GLOBAL BRANDING ISSUES 1. The Limits of Global Branding: The Emerging Market Challenge Susan P. Douglas and C. Samuel Craig 2. The Promises of Global Branding Johny K. Johansson 3. Relevance and Rigor in International Marketing Research: Developments in Product and Brand Origin Line of Inquiry Saeed Samiee and Leonidas C. Leonidou 4. Promoting Products from Developing Country: Roles of Brand Name and Spokesperson Yeqing Bao, Shi Zhang and James T. Simpson PART II: INSIGHTS INTO INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRATEGY 5. Conjectures on Innovation Drivers in an Emerging Market: India P. Rajan Varadarajan 6. Internationalization Revisited: Progression through Institutionalization, Exploitative and Exploratory Learning Pieter Pauwels and Paul Matthyssens 7. Resource Advantage Theory as a Foundation for Advancing Scholarship in International Marketing Strategy David A. Griffith and ChangSeob Yeo 8. International Advertising Strategy: Some Thoughts on Subjectivity and Decision-making in the Standardization Decision Jeryl Whitelock and Fernando Fastoso 9. The Standardization Construct in InternationalMarketing: Earlier Conceptualization and Suggestions for Further Development Attila Yaprak, Shichun Xu and S. Tamer Cavusgil 10. Subsidiary Marketing Strategy Implementation (SMSI): The Missing Link of International Marketing Strategy Research Esra Gencturk and Destan Kandemir PART III: CULTURAL ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 11. Managerial Determinants of Export Performance: Direct and Moderating Effects Carlos M.P. Sousa and Emilio Ruzo 12. The Role of Psychic Distance in International Strategy Implementation Jody Evans 13. Understanding the Role of Culture in Online Social Networks and Communities Goksel Yalcinkaya 14. Is there a Country of Origin Theory? Peter Magnusson and Stanford A. Westjohn 15. Theory of the Global Consumer Stanford A. Westjohn and Peter Magnusson 16. The Place of 'Place' in International Marketing Nicolas Papadopoulos, Alia el Banna, Steven A. Murphy and Jose I. Rojas-Mendez PART IV: HARNESSING THE BOP MARKET 17. Marketing Adaptation for Bottom of the Pyramid Ravi Sarathy 18. Developing Innovations for the Base of the Pyramid: A Case-Based Conceptual Framework Cheryl C. Nakata and Estelle Berger 19. Bottom of the Pyramid Market: Theory and Practice Subhash Jain