Characterization of oil nano-structures with monochromatic x-ray micro-tomography

Here we report work done toward detection and characterization of micro-and nano-structures in bitumen, including mineral particles-clay and sand as well as metal-organic micro-and nano-structures containing porphyrines. X-ray micro-tomograph with monochromatic radiation has been used for detection of the structures. In order to detect and characterize nano-and micro-structures tomograph’s operational wavelength has been tuned to absorption wavelength of “chemical element of interest” X-ray spectrum: whatever it is Si or porphyrine-forming metals like V, Ni, Co. Contrast between X-ray absorption of micro-structures containing specific element and average bitumen’s environment absorption provides a tool for measurement of element mass concentration as well as size and mass density distributions of micro-and nano structures not only on surface but in bitumen volume. Specifically the most interest is in measurement of vanadyl porphyrines and other metal containing chemicals in asphaltene micro-structures changing per asphalten concentration due to bitumen processing.