An intelligent position sensor for light spots using an analog scan circuit and fpga
syrumr usuolly require the meosurcmenrpPrf~rmonrp IO be foss o/high accurocy and rapoblr U/ rimultmrourly detectin8 plurdpointr. .Uoreover, the applicariunr hoveomr intrlli8mrr/unrtion. w r h ov rhc odaprotiun In thi\ paper, we describe a new position sensor constructed by an area 'ype of photodiode array and a sensor signal proof the daection procedure to the environment being measured. Here. We cessing comnonent which consists of an analoe scan unit and a designed 0 new sensor system using nn opticul2-D sensor orroy, an analog seon circuit and F P C A which sati8fled the above mentioned requirements The basic principle of our systetn i s to detect which of the sensor elements produces rhepeok value by lm ondDgsclm circuit ond to eoleulnte the actual peakpositions of the light spot by employing FPCA. The Experiment results are follows: (I)The relative error u(18 at mort Z.I%(under Wlpixel), (2)The sampling frequency was about ZOkHz, (3)The inpuffed light spot conditions hos on impact on the measurement aeeurucy. This senmi system reduced that influence by adapting II signalprocessing in F P C A to the inputted light spots.
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