Disponibilidade de fósforo em dois latossolos argilosos e seu acúmulo em plantas de soja, em função do aumento do pH

The best P employment, both applied in the culture as the P soil residual, is possible, due limestone use in clayey soils cultivated and fertilized for many years. Aiming at evaluating the pH increase in the soil and the effect of the application of phosphated fertilizer and lime on the sowing on the P availability and its accumulation in soybean plants, two experiments in oxisols, Haplortox (one LVD and the other LVDf), with high fertility levels, were carried out. The experimental design was random blocks, in a 4x2x2 factorial, being four pH levels, two P doses and two limestone doses, with four repetitions. Soybean plants were cultivated in vases up to flowering. The dry mass weight, P contents and accumulation in the area, P content and P remaining in the soil, were evaluated. P availability in soils increased with pH elevation. For the LVDf, there was an interaction between the pH and the P doses, the P contents in the soil increased with the pH and with the P application. For the LVD, there was an interaction between the pH and the doses of lime applied. The P remaining was reduced by the pH increase in both soils. In both experiments, with the pH increase in the soil, there was an increment in the dry mass production and P accumulated. In clayey soils with a high P content, the pH elevation increases the P availability, providing greater soybean dry mass production.