Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K, let (F(D) (f(D)) be the set of nonzero (finitely generated) fractional ideals of D, and let ★ be a star-operation on F(D).For A ∈ F(D) and there exists J∈f(D) such that J★=D, and xJ ⊆ A}.Then A ★w = {x ∈ K | exists J ∈ f(D) such that J ★ = D, and xJ ⊆ A}. Then and ★w are star-operations on F(D) that satisfy . Moreover, is the greatest (finite character) star-operation Δ ≤ ★ with (A ∩B)Δ=A Δ∩ B Δ.We also show that ★ w -Max(D)= ★ s -Max(D) and A ★w =∩{AP | P ∈★ s -Max(D)}.Let L ★w (D) = {A | A is an integral ★ w -ideal}∪{0}. Then L ★w (D) forms an r-lattice. If D satisfies ACC on integral ★ w -ideals,L *w (D) is a Noether lattice and hence primary decomposition, the Krull intersection theorem, and the principal ideal theorem hold for * w -ideals of D. For the case of ★=υ,★ w is the w-operation introduced by Wang Fanggui and R.L. McCasland.
R. McCasland,et al.
On Strong Mori domains
R. McCasland,et al.
On w-modules over strong mori domains
D. D. Anderson,et al.
Dilworth's principal elements
David F. Anderson,et al.
Examples of star operations on integral domains
D. D. Anderson.
Abstract commutative ideal theory without chain condition
J. Ohm,et al.
An Essential Ring Which is Not A v-Multiplication Ring
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
K. E. Aubert.
Additive ideal systems
R. Gilmer,et al.
Multiplicative ideal theory
R. P. Dilworth.
Abstract commutative ideal theory.