Web Journalism: Practice and Promise of a New Medium

From the Publisher: Journalism on the Web explores the current practices and future possibilities of Web journalism and examines the characteristics of the Web that distinguish it from traditional media. The author guides students through discussion of the traditional practices of journalism, such as reporting, editing, photojournalism, and design, while showing how the distinguishing features of the Web -- capacity, immediacy, flexibility, permanency, and interactivity - offer new storytelling possibilities. The traditional principles of journalism, particularly journalistic writing that emphasizes accuracy, clarity, precision and efficiency, are emphasized throughout the text. Features The first three chapters offer an in-depth examination of the Web as an individual news medium, taking students beyond the idea that Web news is simply a newspaper on screen.An inside look at MSNBC provides students with an idea of what it's like to be inside a 24-hour Web news organization (Ch. 13).Three chapters (4, 5, and 6) on lateral thinking ask students to think beyond the traditional narrative storytelling forms of the inverted pyramid and present a variety of forms and structures to present information."Cool Ideas" sidebars, located throughout the book, offer short descriptions of innovative ideas of Web journalism, to stimulate creative thinking.Web site references at the end of each chapter provide professors with the best sites available for keeping up with advances in Web journalism.