Overview of the U. S. Department of Energy master safeguards and security agreement program
The Master Safeguards and Security Agreement establishes a contract between the US Department of Energy-Headquarters and a US Department of Energy regional Operations Office regarding protection strategies, protection system performance, and acceptability of risks for US Department of Energy Safeguards and Security interests at a facility or site. An approved Master Safeguards and Security Agreement defines the protection system performance baseline for evaluations, inspections, and audits, and can introduce exceptions to US Department of Energy orders. Responsibilities and authorities for development and approval of a Master Safeguards and Security Agreement are outlined in US Department of Energy Order 5630.13, ''Master Safeguards and Security Agreement'' and US Department of Energy Order 5630.xx, ''Safeguards and Security Planning Program'' (draft). To date, 14 Master Safeguards and Security Agreements have been approved by the US Department of Energy-Headquarters and about 34 are in preparation or review. A total of approximately 50 are anticipated before completion of the program. The Master Safeguards and Security agreement program has been positively received by both the US Department of Energy-Headquarters and the US Department of Energy Operations Offices, because it provides visibility as to the effectiveness of Safeguards and Security protection systems and affords a sensible foundation for more » security planning based on risk. 6 refs., 3 figs., 6 tabs. « less