Status of the Ring RF Systems for FAIR

For the FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) synchrotron SIS100 and the storage ring CR (Collector Ring), different RF cavity systems are currently being realized. In addition to the standard RF bucket generation and acceleration, these ring RF systems also allow more complex beam manipulations such as barrier bucket operation or bunch rotation in phase space. Depending on their purpose, the cavities are either loaded with ferrite material or with MA (Magnetic Alloy) ring cores. Independent of the type of cavity, a complete cavity system consists of the cavity itself, a tetrode-based power amplifier, a solid-state pre-amplifier, a supply unit including PLC (Programmable Logic Control), and an RF control system (so-called LLRF, low level RF system). In this contribution, the different systems are described, and their current status is presented.