Assessment of recovery of arm control in hemiplegic stroke patients. 2. Comparison of arm function tests and pursuit tracking in relation to clinical recovery.

In a preliminary study, return of arm function in hemiplegic patients has been assessed for periods up to 64 weeks after stroke using two methods of testing. The first method concerns the performance of simple motor tasks involving the arm and hand. The second method is a pursuit tracking task using elbow movements. Patients were divided into two groups depending on whether they scored above 80% (Group I) or below 80% (Group II) on the first method at 16 weeks after stroke. When the two arm assessment methods were compared with clinical assessments for all the patients, general agreement was shown. Among Group I patients there was also significant agreement between the assessments; among Group II patients the agreement was poor. The two arm assessment methods, however, showed mutual agreement. In conclusion, both arm assessments provide a general prediction of the recovery of movement control of patients following stroke.