Measures of Interobserver Agreement and Reliability

General Introduction Review Probability and Its Application in Medical Research Reliability for Continuous Scale Measurements Introduction Models for Reliability Studies Testing the Equality of Two Independent ICCs Testing the Equality of Two Dependent ICCs Large Sample Confidence Interval on rho2 Raters Agreement for Continuous Scale Measurements Estimating Agreement When Gold Standard Is Present Several Faulty Methods and a Gold Standard Sample Size Requirements for the Design of Reliability Study under One-Way ANOVA Sample Size for Case 2 Estimation of ICC from Two-Way Random Effects Model with Replicated Measurements Method-Comparison Studies Introduction Literature Review Bland and Altman's Approach Bradley-Blackwood Procedure Regression Methods for Methods-Comparison Correlated Measurement Errors Assessing Agreement in Methods-Comparison Studies with Replicate Measurements Discussion Population Coefficient of Variation as a Measure of Precision and Reproducibility Introduction Inference from Single Normal Sample Coefficient of Variation from the Gamma Distribution Tests for Equality of Coefficients of Variation Statistical Inference on Coefficient of Variation under the One-Way Random Effects Model Maximum Likelihood Estimation Variance Stabilizing Transformation Estimating the WSCV When the Error Variance Is Not Common Sample Size Estimation Analysis of WSCF from Two Dependent Samples Measures of Agreement for Dichotomous Outcomes Introduction Indices of Adjusted Agreement Cohen's Kappa: Chance Corrected Measure of Agreement Intraclass Kappa The 2 x 2 Kappa in the Context of Association Stratified Kappa Conceptual Issues Sample Size Requirements Dependent Dichotomous Assessments Adjusting for Covariates Simultaneous Assessment of Two Binary Traits by Two Raters Coefficients of Agreement for Multiple Rates and Multiple Categories Introduction Multiple Categories and Two Raters Agreement for Multiple Raters and Dichotomous Classification Probability Models Multiple Raters and Multiple Categories Testing the Homogeneity of Kappa Statistic from Independent Studies References Index Exercises appear at the end of each chapter.