I. The Bakerian Lecture. On some of the combinations of oxymuriatic gas and oxygene, and on the chemical relations of these principles, to inflammable bodies
In the last communication which I had the honour of presenting to the Royal Society, I stated a number of facts, which inclined me to believe, that the body improperly called in the modern nomenclature of chemistry, oxymuriatic acid gas, has not as yet been decompounded.; but that it is a peculiar substance, elementary as far as our knowledge extends, and analogous in many of its properties to oxygene gas. My objects in the present Lecture, are to detail a number of experiments which I have made for the purpose of illustrating more fully the nature, properties, and combinations of this substance, and its attractions for inflammable bodies, as compared with those of oxygene; and likewise to present some general views and conclusions concerning the chemical powers of different species of matter, and the proportions in which they enter into union.